Sunday, 19 October 2008


Amir is at it again! Last week he acquired a new ability... the ability to open the fridge! And he is using this ability to wreck havoc in my fridge!!! 2 nights ago, he squashed an egg from the fridge. I wouldn't have known if I didn't catch him trying to wipe the mess with a kitchen towel...hehehe... I had to search high and low to find the egg shells and finally found it among other things in the fridge. I have to admire his skill of hiding things.

Yesterday, I made a fruit and cocktail pudding and left it to cool in the fridge. Before going to bed last night, I found one small indentation in the pudding (I just know that his little finger did the damage...sigh). And when I was busy with Aliah and Hadi just now, I found that his curiosity got the better of him... look at the pictures... sigh...

It looks like the crater of the moon...

Upon closer inspection, maybe he was trying to eat the fruits...

What can I say... just wait for his other exploits, I guess...


Syikeen Pfordten said...

Erica last week pun pecahkan telur jugak. Tapi lagi best, she bring the egg pastu pecahkan kat lantai living room and start apply it on her feet and hand. Dia buat macam pakai lotion. Pastu when I caught her siap boleh masuk balik dapur dengan harapan nak ambik lagi sebijik. Sabar je la....

Ina said...

Alahai Amir... muka cam innocent giler, tu yang tak tahan sangat tu... heheh... Memang betul la, sabar je la...

nora muhammad said...

ina i think ur son cute hehehe kelakar gila la...

Ina said...

Ko kata cute? aghhh... Aku yang sakit jiwa... takleh nak biar dia sorang2... semua kena supervise, kalau tak macam2 jadi... sigh... my husband said ikut perangai aku, pandai la dia... tapi, kadang2 aku agree jugak... hehehemazlinaaris

RozIlah Kamarudin said...

Treasure those moments, anak pecah telur, cucul tangan dalam custard etc.. etc.. before you know dah besar macam anak2 akak...

Ina said...

Kak Olie,
Kadang2 memang rasa geli hati tengok telatah diorang... tapi, kadang2 can't predict what would happen next... Bak syikeen kata, sabar je la...