Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Patah kaki...

Do not be alarmed by the title...hehehe. I've just send my car to the workshop to be repaired, finally! So I couldn't go anywhere. 

Since I spent so much money on Sunday, I 'grounded' myself on Monday... I didn't even get out of Tasik Puteri and that's a record in itself! Since I arrived on the first of May, that's the only day I didn't get out of Tasik Puteri! Wow, I'm amazed at myself...hehehe

Yesterday was another lazy day. I went out and buy several pieces of materials in Nagoya in Rawang (Yep, we do have Nagoya in Rawang!) and later in the afternoon I went with my brother to mahkamah Syariah in Kuang to get the faraid certificate (I'll blog about this later, insyaallah).

And today, I'll be at home the whole day... Hmm, that means I'll have a whole day to blog! Yeay! I'll finally continue my story about the wedding. Yeay!


Fasri said...

finally, masuk workshop jugak. Thought it will only happen after all of us balik Sudan...

Guru said...

memang patah kaki kalau xde kereta ni, kan

Ina said...

Dear husband,

dah siap pun, nanti I tangkap gambar...heheh

Dear klcitizen,

mujur la ada kereta buruk tu, kalo tak memang langsung dok rumah aje la...hehehe