Wednesday 4 June 2008

Everything from scratch...sigh...

I honestly confess that before I came to Khartoum I do not cook. My kitchen is just a place for me to heat up food and that's it. One gas cylinder can last me 1 and a half years...seriously. I buy everything outside, even have a menu for each day of the week. Which restaurant for what day of the week kind of thing...

Here...there's practically nothing! Well, there are quite a few places that a girl can eat out, but it is b****y expensive. The second week we went to this very fancy restaurant, it's a lebanese village. To eat steak and pizza for the kids, we spent about USD100. Huh! In Malaysia, we could eat out for about a week with that kind of money.

So, now I cook for the family... breakfast, lunch and dinner...sigh. And everything from scratch. No short cuts. But now I can safely say that I could make delicious doughnuts, even though the shape is something to think about...hehehe. The kids love it, however mishapen it looks. I'm still trying...I've baked lots of cakes, crumbles and even attempted to make icecream homemade...and that's only the first two months here...who knows, after three years, i'll be a pro. Though, if my husband thinks I'll cook in Malaysia, think again...heheh

There's a blessing in disguise in all this, I guess. At least now, Aliah can get excited helping me in the kitchen. Not to help though, just to lick the leftover dough...sigh...sometimes I think, I'm definitely not an expat's wife, more like a servant...So used to holding a pen and not a knife I suppose. Anyway, at least the family is together.

1 comment:

CubaTryTest said...

no wonder aliah makin tembam in the pic....really2 miss the kids a lot.....huhuhu...