It is now the last day of July, and we have exactly 3 weeks to prepare everything for the move. At first Subalipack is supposed to help us with the packing. It's the company that helped us bring our things from Malaysia. But, now it seems that another company is contracted to do the migration. Probably, it'll cost more to bring the Subalipack workers from Malaysia. But I've seen those people work and I salute them...anything and everything could be packed it seems.
The bad news is that the new company wouldn't help with the packing, only bulky items and glassware. And to tell the truth, by looking at the workers, I guess it's a Sudanese company. Mind you, I do not have anything against them, but I'd rather do the packing myself (better be safe than sorry is my motto). We've heard some horror stories during the first phase of the migration...hehehe... I'll write about it in another posting (after our move), and after gaining personal insight.
So, we were given 30 boxes and 2 white masking tapes to start us off. I've finished the two masking tapes about 2 weeks ago and had to borrow one from my next door neighbour. We're supposed to get extra packing materials 2 weeks ago also. We only received the extra packing materials yesterday. That illustrates how these people work perfectly! Meanwhile, I'm busy packing our things for the migration. I've sealed 25 boxes plus several Subalipack boxes as not all can fit into the boxes supplied to us. Look at the pictures below...
The bad news is that the new company wouldn't help with the packing, only bulky items and glassware. And to tell the truth, by looking at the workers, I guess it's a Sudanese company. Mind you, I do not have anything against them, but I'd rather do the packing myself (better be safe than sorry is my motto). We've heard some horror stories during the first phase of the migration...hehehe... I'll write about it in another posting (after our move), and after gaining personal insight.
So, we were given 30 boxes and 2 white masking tapes to start us off. I've finished the two masking tapes about 2 weeks ago and had to borrow one from my next door neighbour. We're supposed to get extra packing materials 2 weeks ago also. We only received the extra packing materials yesterday. That illustrates how these people work perfectly! Meanwhile, I'm busy packing our things for the migration. I've sealed 25 boxes plus several Subalipack boxes as not all can fit into the boxes supplied to us. Look at the pictures below...
Packing is also not so straightforward as I have to think about all the stuff that we need for the next few weeks. I've packed some of our clothes leaving only enough to recycle for the next three weeks. Plus the fact that I can only do the packing after the kids are asleep (Amir is the exception of course...). FYI, the pictures were taken at 1 am and you could see how he 'insist' on 'helping' me. I don't know where I'm going to put all the things in the new apartment as it's considerably much smaller than our present apartment...sigh... I guess I have to manage with what I have and stop whining...sigh...