Why today? because my supply of frozen karipap is nearly over. I panicked last week when I discovered that I have only 2 packets left...uhuk, uhuk... So, today I decided that it's now or never. Did the filling first and when it tasted like the 'real' karipap, there was no looking back... To make the dough is a totally different matter entirely, though...I used the ERT recipe, but since my planta supply's also finished, I used butter. Somebody told me to rub the butter into the flour like making a crumble and later add iced water. So, I did just that...
And it works...hehehe...the other problem is that I don't have a rolling pin...If you look closely, there's a green plastic glass...that's my rolling pin! It's not that bad, but without a proper rolling pin, the dough's not that thin. My next problem is the sides, how to 'klim'? I honestly do not know how to do it. That's where Aliah comes in. She used the fork to press the sides together, and we had fun...lot's of giggling and shooing Amir out of the kitchen...hehehe...
Anyway, at first I wanted to give some to the neighbours but when we finished, we ended up with only 21 karipaps...plus the fact that I wasn't sure what it taste like and some were really mishapen...I decided to keep them in our family...hehehe. We had to wait for my husband to come home before taking the first bite...Man, it was lovely...Some were a bit thick but the taste was there. It was all gone in a matter of minutes...Amir liked it, well, he would eat anything, really...
This is definitely not going to be my last attemp at making karipap...hehehe...
use a bottle to roll the dough
Bottle? What kind of bottle? Kalo aku guna botol air coke tu cam besar sangat...how?
terer aliah dpt idea to 'klim' the karipap....heheheh....miss her a lot....huhuhu..
waooo...fantastic...Maz, cayalah ko berjaya masak karipap...balik msia bolehlah supply frozen karipap...hehe..later aku mail kat ko resepi chicken blackpepper karipap....
Ko bagi je la resepi apa2 pun, kalo ada bahan aku akan try, dah muak asyik makan bende yang sama aje... especially menu untuk budak2 ni, yang tak pedas la...tq in advance. :)
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