Wednesday 18 March 2009

Family Day 2009: The mystery of the potatoes...

Some people were wondering about the whereabout of the peeled potatoes used during the games. I am about to tell you the truth...jeng, jeng, jeng...hehehe

Early in the morning there weren't enough potatoes, so I gave a bag of potatoes from my house. After the games I carried 'the loot' back home...hehehe.. I had to peel some of the potatoes again, maybe because some were not peeled properly. Just look at the pictures...

Peeling the potatoes, again...

But I used the 'free' peeler, so it was not so bad...hehehe

Finally finished peeling...phew...

All clean and ready...

To be fried...

To make into these small pieces...

What for? Some of you might ask... to be made into pegedil or bergedil for my kids birthday bash, of course...hehehe. Now, the mystery's solved! The potatoes were not thrown away, it was definitely not wasted, it was recycled into pegedil...hehehe... I'm sorry because I don't have any pictures of the pegedil because most of it were eaten before I manage to take pictures...sigh. Just to let you know, it was delicious! Hehehe...

1 comment:

CubaTryTest said...

kak ina menang ke potato peeling tu?...hehehe...begedil laa kak ina bukan pegedil hehehe....tak sempat buat begedil mesti budak2 dh mkn kentang yg dh goreng td tu kan?...