We started the day by accepting Nadzifah's breakfast invitation... hehehe... We had curry laksa (mee kari). Admired their beautiful wooden bookcase and their collapsible wooden rack. They're also an avid reader so, we exchanged opinions on books.
We went to Hj. Nusral's house for lunch (after zohor). By the time we arrived, there were so many people already. There was also an abundance in the food spread... soto, nasi beriyani etc. The kids loved the soup and nasi impit so much that I had to refill twice. It was very sunny outside, hence the picture below.
We went to Hj. Nusral's house for lunch (after zohor). By the time we arrived, there were so many people already. There was also an abundance in the food spread... soto, nasi beriyani etc. The kids loved the soup and nasi impit so much that I had to refill twice. It was very sunny outside, hence the picture below.
Had a nap. We went to En. Mahmud Hisham and Kak Maria's house on the second floor around 5 pm. Their house was beautiful, fit for a spread in Anjung Seri... I could only gawked... hehehe.
After Maghrib, went to En. Kusaimi and Kak Shidah's house. We chose the wrong time because everybody thought it was the 'right' time... The house was jammed packed with people... but we still had a wonderful time chatting (right in the middle of the busy room!)... hehehe
After Maghrib, went to En. Kusaimi and Kak Shidah's house. We chose the wrong time because everybody thought it was the 'right' time... The house was jammed packed with people... but we still had a wonderful time chatting (right in the middle of the busy room!)... hehehe
After that, we went to Ruzien's house in block B. My kids were impressed with the sparkling 'ketupat' outside his house. He also managed to download programmes from TV3, so the atmosphere was definitely malaysian. We even watched Siti Nurhaliza performed for one of the raya programmes... If you close your eyes, you could definitely imagine you're on malaysian soil... sigh...
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