The sixth day of Eid was celebrated quietly because some people have started puasa enam. But after maghrib, we were invited to kak Jaz's house for her open house. We had roast leg of lamb and roast chicken, plus mee hoon soto and mee nyonya... yummy!!! As usual, the normal crowd was there... hehehe... Look at the pictures below.
On another note, we found out that my baby sitter, Kak Normah is now in Selayang Hospital. She suffered a stroke on Saturday, after organising kenduri for my late brother, Ayang. Kak Normah, my friend, my neighbour, my closest confidante is really sick... Semoga Allah memelihara kesihatan beliau, InsyaAllah... I hope she gets well. We are praying for you, right here in Khartoum...
ina...hope that ur babysitter will be ok...btw....wat's with the countdown? hehehe
read my literature blog...i'm reading some shortlisted novels for booker prize 2008...hope that u'll read them too.
wah... ina definitely alot of eating...
hows yr girl's finger? is it getting any better?
u have to take care of the part where the nail is broken... nanti nail tak cantik when it grows back.. my son pernah tersepit kat bank masa raya jugak...
kirim slm kat masidana.. nmpk bnyk ganbar dia
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