Friday 20 November 2009

Aliah and her organ...

One of the new subjects Aliah had to learn in Year 3's music. Once a week the students need to learn how to handle their musical instrument of choice. Aliah chose to play the organ. We kept on persuading her to choose a violin or even a recorder because it was easier to find... but she was adamant, she wanted to play the organ...sigh (Actually we also wanted her to find something that would not drive us up the wall...hehehe). She kept on badgering us with her request...sigh

So, we went around Khartoum to find an organ. We found a Yamaha organ but it was quite big and heavy. So, we asked my husband's brother, Angah to buy one in Malaysia. He bought it and sent it to Saiful (our next door neighbour) who was in KL. So, on the 24th of October, Saiful came back to Khartoum.

But there was a little bit of a problem encountered at the airport. Saiful had to pay quite a large amount of tax for it. At first, the customs asked for USD 300 and finally agreed on USD100. Luckily Saiful found someone to exchange currency with...sigh. So he arrived at the complex around 7.30 pm. Kak Long was unaware that we bought the organ for her, it was supposed to be a surprise.

Saiful was telling us about the problem at the airport...

My husband bringing it in...

Aliah was busy doing her homework when we brought it in. At first she just ignored us while we put it on her bed. Later she realised there was something going on and was happy to see what it was. The boys were busy wanting to play with the organ...hehehe

Concentrating on her homework...

She was doing her math homework...

She was still unaware...

Finally, dawned on her...

My husband setting it up...

Happy ler tu...

My husband cam nak marah la tu...

Amir, enter-frame...

So happy!

Suka sangat la tu...


It's a bit bulky...

Thank you, Ayah Ngah...

With the tax that we had to pay, it was about the same if we've bought the organ in Khartoum. But the organ in Khartoum was heavier and without a bag. Though, the organ that we finally bought was also bulky, it was not that heavy. So, every Thursday, I'll be the one lugging the 'thing' around...sigh. 

Lantak la, at least Kak Long's happy to finally have her own instrument. The other two boys were also allowed to play with it, sometimes...hehehe


Kak Ty said...

salam.. this is my second try..the first one tak ter published pulak...

kita senasib Maz..bought an organ also for Zaid last raya. Zaid pun has to choose one instrument.. so kenalah beli juga. Tapi my case kill two birds with one stone.. force zahrah to choose the same musical instrument..hehe Zahrah has no choice, easier for me n my hubby tak perlu keluar duit beli yang lain..hehe
alkesah sampai kat airport sudan kena juga tax.. My hubby minta Shareer to handle. Dapatlah discount n had to pay only usd60..
beginilah parents try our best to make our kids happy.
both of u are such a great parents.The kids are lucky to have u both..cheers

sri said...

Kalau tak suka tak tahula hulu ke hilir kilik menda tu...heh..


CubaTryTest said...

hehehe....suke la tu aliah...yg ayong mcm tensen jer nk setup organ tu nape??...susah nk setup ke?...hehehehe