Wednesday 5 November 2008

Retail therapy at Souk Libya

I've heard so much about the trips to souks that the ladies went to. I was not very interested until Kak Jaz mentioned about clothes in Souk Libya. They went there last Saturday with their husbands (in 2 vans, okay?!!)... Hehehe... Ladies in one van, while the men in another (shoppers vs bankers...hehehe). It was so cheap, it's about a quarter of a price in Malaysia. And we're talking about chiffon silk sold in Silk Street or Gulati's okay?!! I should know because I frequented them quite often in the past (most of the times, just to gawk...hehehe)

So, with a heavy heart, my husband let me follow the souk gang to souk Libya, yesterday. We went in a small group, Kak Jaz (the Che Kiah), Kak Faizah, Pn. Taha, Kak Rehana, Ina and Amir and me. We started our journey about 9.10 am. It's about 30-45 minutes away. Anyway, once there we headed straight to the spesific shop... and I went berserk... hehehe... and started pointing at clothes.

My principle is easy, if I like something, just grab it... because in souks, you'll never know whether the same material will be there or not when you come back. If there's a bargain, you'd better buy it. While I was doing the crazy pointing, Amir was occupied looking at the donkeys. Before I go on, let me describe the souk...

To those of you, who've been to the aked's in Jalan TAR, it was more or less like that. It's back to back little shops. There were numerous shops selling materials, carpets (new or second hand), nick-knacks etc. The place was crowded with people, buyers and sellers alike. It was hot and dusty. While in the Aked, you'll have tiled or cemented floors, in souks, dirt road (Big enough for a donkey cart to pass through). You can get literally lost in the midst of it all. And the sellers would be men (some were quite young).

Amir was fascinated with the donkeys. At one time I caught him looking at a nearby donkey an imitating it... When the donkey yawned (showing most of his gum), Amir did the same... I wish I captured it on camera. The sales boy loved playing with Amir...hehehe. He even put Amir on his chair and served him tea... So, I shopped in bliss!!! After buying clothes to my heart's content, we went to look at the carpets. The others bought a few items. It's definitely cheaper than Malaysia, but I'll have to drag my husband along to buy carpets...maybe next year.

This is the cheapest shop in all the lot!!!

Pn. Taha and Kak Jaz haggling for carpets... they're really good at this!!!

Amir's tired of walking, so he just sat down in the middle of all the carpets...hehehe

This is my cache...hehehe...

We got back around12.30... I'm sure you're trying to count the pieces from the picture... let me help you... I bought 11 pieces...hehehe. It was supposed to be gifts to relatives and friends (notice the word 'suppose'?), but I've fallen in love with a few... so, another trip to Souk Libya might be on the card again... I could imagine my husband rolling his eyes when he reads this...hehehe


Fasri said...

Ohh, with a heavy heart is it...

Ina said...

Hehehe, with a heavy heart and trembling hands then...

nora muhammad said...

ina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!nak le 1 chiffon silk much is it

Ina said...


Less than rm100 kalau ada batu, kalau kosong lagi murah... ko nak kaler apa? Pink? hehehe... Nampak gayanya terpaksa la aku pegi lagi ke souk libya nih...hehehe (with glee!!!) Sepasang 4.5 metres. Amacam?

Abdul Rahman said...

ina masa ni la bila lagi nak benlanja ye hehehe.....

Ina said...


Itu la pasal... macam nak giler aku kat souk hari tu, senget2 bawak barang balik... Tapi kena tunggu lagi 10 hari, nak bagi masa dia restock...heheh

nora muhammad said...

ina if less than RM100 nak ler!!!! cari la pink yg pastel ye... seronotnya!