Saturday 19 September 2009

PCO iftar 2009...Part 3

I've never experienced iftar with Sudanese before. So, I was a bit surprised when around 6.45 pm it was announced that people could take their food...and by the time I went to the international spread, there was practically nothing left... Just look at the pictures...


This was just the salad section...

The sad thing was not only the food was finished but some of the guests who were non-muslims straight away tucked in their food, not even waiting for the muslims to break our fast. How rude?!! In Malaysia, at least the non-muslims would have the courtesy to wait for everyone to be able to eat. I was shocked at how some of the guests could blatantly eat in front of us, the hosts...sigh... 

Another sad thing was the fact that there were a lot of food wasted on the tables. It seemed that it was normal to see some thing like these happening here. The fact that they took more than needed and later just left it on the table seemed inexcusable to me...sigh

Some had to sit outside...

The table that I was supposed to eat...

Look at those plates!

I gave Kak Liza my place so she could sit with her husband...

Nadzifah and Ikhlas...

Look at the leftover food...

Otherwise, it was a wonderful night. I enjoyed myself, being in the middle of friends... Enjoy!

Aseh and Kak Erlina...

Senyum kekenyangan...

Nicky and her baby...

Geng Block A...

Nadzifah and Winnie...

From afar...

Kak Liza, Kak Zila and Kak Aishah...

Nazifah, Winnie and Raisa...

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