Tuesday 11 August 2009

Boys new hair cut!

On Tuesday the 28th morning, I brought the boys to their favourite barber. Well, my favourite actually. The barber's shop was located in Taman Sri Rawang. He was my student in SMK Sri Garing in the late 90's. He used to be in one of those gangs but he was not the 'kurang ajar' type, he was more of the 'follower' type.

When I discovered that he opened his own barber shop in my old residence, I urged my husband to frequent his shop. When Hadi was older, around 3 years old, I started bringing him there too. Now all the men in my life would go to his shop for a hair cut. That's the only support that I could give him...hehehe

As a teacher, it's always easier to teach the bright kids but in my personal opinion, teaching the hooligans would be more rewarding. Even though, they wouldn't grow up to be the 'big shot' lawyers and doctors, they'll be more ready to acknowledge your existence as their teacher. These are the people who would greet me around Rawang by shouting 'teacher!' with a wave of their hand. I'm honoured to be their teacher even though just for a short while.

Sometimes, I do miss teaching...sigh. I miss the students, friends but not the school system. I feel that school teachers are burdened with so many admin. demands. More time are being spent on paper work rather than teaching students. And there's a lot of unnecessary stress put on teachers with so many performance markers. Not only they have to be able to produce better students but better results certainly. Actually the school would focus on the better result part without worrying about what type of human beings we would produce?!!

And don't let me start on the variety of competitions that the school would participate in?!! At the end of the day, I felt the stress of teaching and I left after only 6 years as a teacher...sigh. That's why I salute all those teachers out there. I've been through it and I could only imagine how stressful teaching could be nowadays. Ok, enough of my ramblings! Enjoy the pictures...

Amir, before the cut...

Amir, after...

Hadi, before...

Picture taken by Amir...

Hadi, after...

1 comment:

babYpose said...

alahai tomelnyaa...ger..am:)