Thursday 20 August 2009

The longest day...Part 4

After I put the kids to sleep and prayed isyak, Man, Ema and Zali came to the house around 11.40 pm. And since my house was really in a mess, they helped clean it up! Hehehe. Only my close friends know what a messy person I am. I would normally used the excise that I was born in the year of the rat that's why I am the way I am...hehehe. 

By the time they finished (my husband included) my house looked like a house once again! You could actually see the floor and the table could finally be used as a table! They finished cleaning around 1 am, and we ate fruits that I bought at Sg. Perak. I was really knacked! And was ready to hit the pillows by the time they went home around 1.30 am. It was definitely one of the longest day in my life...sigh...

Man was cleaning up!

Ema and Danish...

Zali, mopping the kitchen!

Eating time...

We're enjoying the fresh fruits!


The fruits...

Amir was really tired! Poor baby...

1 comment:

xplorer said...

selamat berpuasa , kat sudan bukak puasa tak de kuih ke?