Wednesday 8 July 2009

Dealing with EPF...

Today I went to the EPF Head Quarters in KL. I had to bring my 'bodyguards' of course! Hehehe. While I was trying to check my balance in my account, Hadi and Amir had a field day, running around the lobby...sigh...

Then I had to get a number to be served. I didn't wait long because there's not many people and there were a lot of open counters. The receptionist was also very helpful in dealing with customer enquiries. Very impressive!

I was even more impressed when the officer who handled my case gave a very detailed explanation of procedures etc. I was a bit surprised to know that Ayang got more than rm10000 in his account. I thought it was just a thousand or two...but he didn't get the chance to fill up the 'penamaan' form. Tak sempat agaknya...sigh. But we did have the faraid certificate, so we could proceed without having to go to Amanah Raya...Even better, we do not have to pay the commission to Amanah Raya. Yeay!

Anyway, I didn't have my bank book with me, so I had to come another day. Actually I could get the statement from Bank Islam just across the road but I'd rather come tomorrow with a filled up form. When I got back, I filled up both Mamud and my forms and Mamud went to photocopy all the necessary documents. Tomorrow, I'll go with Mamud to EPF and submit our forms. 

I just realised one thing. Even though I always dreaded dealing with all sorts of agencies to settle Ayang's worldly worries, so far I've never had any problem whatsoever! Semuanya dipermudahkan oleh Allah, alhamdulillah... 


Guru said...


Aina@Azila said...


I dulu pun masa uruskan pusaka my dad, semuanya mudah... tapi bila sampai final stage, just nak tukar nama kat geran tanah jer, terus sangkut sampai sekarang huhuhuhuhuhu....

doakan semuanya mudah untuk you.

edrina said...
